quinta-feira, 18 de abril de 2013

About chapters 5 and 6

''Louine gets mad'' --- Chapter 5

*In this chapter of the book, there was a fight between Jay and louie; 
* Suppose that there is not a fight, but like a confrontation of ideas;
* Jay says Louie to stay calm, because he had hired a security guard to handle the case;
* Jay tells his father about the fact of being worried about him;
* jay from the idea of giving the gold duck to tony;
* Louie hated the idea of Tony and the two quarrel;
* Louie imposes the gold duck should be managed by jay;
* Jay remembers the newspaper that spoke of harry wu, and immediately took his car and went after it.

''A quiet life'' – Chapter 6

* Talks about the dangerous crimes of Wu, and how he reacted when it was not done as he was told;
* Jay thinks of a way to find Wu in the city. If the newspaper spoke correctly, he was in the dangerous Chinatown;
* Jay search Wu at three bars, but no one has information about it;
* Jay tries some information with the bartender, and can take some important information;
* Jay can finally find Wu, and talk to him;
* Jay conversation with Wu, and he talks that is now living a quiet life, without committing crimes and wrongs things.
* Jay walks away from the bar, but leaves your phone with barmam if he knows any more information.

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